RxReach™ Direct-To-Patient Services is a transformative initiative designed to streamline the clinical trial experience for both sponsors and patients. By addressing the unique challenges of clinical supply distribution, RxReach™ ensures that the journey from trial to treatment is as smooth and patient-centric as possible.

Decentralized Clinical Trials

Connect with an expert today to explore DTP options for your studies.


Introducing the Rx Reach™ – Empowering Patients and Sponsors 

Rx Reach™ is an innovative Direct-to-Patient (DTP) service that revolutionizing clinical supply access. Our primary focus lies in meeting the dynamic patient needs and eliminating traditional pain points associated with clinical trials via two approaches.

Clinical Site-to-Patient (STP) – The highly adaptable DTP approach guarantees swift shipments of clinical supplies directly to designated clinical sites. These sites efficiently handle distribution while strictly adhering to study protocols.

Direct-to-Patient via Renejix Pharmacy – Experience unparalleled convenience as clinical supply shipments are directly delivered to patients through our specialized pharmacies throughout the USA.

Improve Clinical Trial Journey

Enrich Patient Experience:

  • Accommodating Diverse Lifestyles: Our flexible home deliveries seamlessly align with patients’ schedules, eliminating participation barriers
  • Streamlined Participation: Simplified processes reduce complexity and burdens, empowering patients to prioritize their well-being
  • Eliminating Missed Doses: Home deliveries prevent interruptions to critical treatments, ensuring uninterrupted progress.

Improve Trial Outcomes

Empowering Sponsors: 

  • Expanded Patient Pool: Reach geographically dispersed patients, enhancing study diversity and representation
  • Accelerated Recruitment: Swift enrollment, particularly for rare diseases, expedites critical discoveries
  • Engagement and Retention: Convenient logistics promote patient adherence, maximizing study retention rates
  • Tailored Solutions: Customizable services cater to sponsors’ unique requirements, ensuring precision and efficiency.

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Here are some frequently asked questions about Direct-To-Patient

What are clinical trials Direct-To-Patient services?

Clinical Trials Direct-To-Patient (DTP) services involve the delivery of clinical trial materials directly to participants' homes, rather than traditional site-based distribution. This approach includes the direct shipment of investigational medicinal products (IMPs), collection of samples, remote monitoring, and virtual patient support. DTP services aim to increase patient participation and retention by reducing the need for frequent site visits, enhancing convenience, and improving overall trial efficiency.

How do DTP services benefit clinical trial participants?

DTP services benefit clinical trial participants by significantly reducing the logistical barriers and time commitments associated with participating in trials. By receiving trial materials and support directly at their homes, patients can more easily balance trial participation with their daily lives. This convenience can lead to higher satisfaction, better adherence to trial protocols, and increased retention rates, ultimately contributing to the success of the trial.

What types of clinical trials are suitable for DTP services?

DTP services are suitable for a wide range of clinical trials, especially those that do not require intensive on-site procedures or those with participants who may face challenges in regular site visits, such as individuals with mobility issues, rare diseases, or those living in remote areas. Trials in phases II through IV and observational studies can particularly benefit from DTP services, enhancing patient engagement and data collection efficiency.

How do DTP services impact clinical trial timelines?

DTP services can positively impact clinical trial timelines by accelerating patient recruitment, enhancing retention, and facilitating faster data collection. The convenience of home-based participation can attract a broader participant pool and reduce dropout rates. Additionally, the streamlined distribution and monitoring processes can decrease delays associated with traditional site-based activities, potentially leading to quicker trial completion.

What Are the Key Components of Implementing DTP Services in a Clinical Trial?

Implementing DTP services in a clinical trial involves several key components, including regulatory compliance, logistics planning, patient confidentiality and data security measures, and patient education and support. It requires careful coordination of material shipment, remote monitoring technology, and support services to ensure that patients can effectively participate from their homes while maintaining the integrity and quality of the trial data.

How Do DTP Services Ensure Regulatory Compliance and Data Integrity?

DTP services ensure regulatory compliance and data integrity through stringent adherence to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, local regulations, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for patient data protection and confidentiality. This includes secure handling and shipment of investigational products, robust data encryption for remote monitoring technologies, and comprehensive training for staff involved in DTP operations. Regular audits and quality checks further reinforce compliance and data integrity.

What Logistics Are Involved in DTP Service Delivery?

The logistics involved in DTP service delivery include the secure and compliant packaging and shipment of clinical trial materials, coordination of sample collection and return, management of import/export and customs clearance for international trials, and real-time tracking of shipments. Effective logistics planning also encompasses contingency measures for lost shipments, temperature excursions, and other potential challenges to ensure uninterrupted patient participation.

Can DTP Services Be Integrated With Traditional Site-Based Clinical Trials?

Yes, DTP services can be seamlessly integrated with traditional site-based clinical trials to offer a hybrid model that caters to the diverse needs of trial participants. This approach allows patients to choose between site visits and home-based participation, depending on their preferences, health condition, and study requirements. Integrating DTP services with site-based activities can enhance flexibility, widen patient recruitment, and improve trial outcomes.

What Patient Support Is Provided Through DTP Services?

Patient support through DTP services includes comprehensive education on trial protocols, 24/7 access to clinical trial support teams, remote monitoring and virtual health consultations, and personalized follow-up to address any questions or concerns. This patient-centric approach ensures that participants feel informed, supported, and engaged throughout the trial, contributing to better adherence and more reliable data collection.

How Does a CDMO Support Clinical Trials With DTP Services?

A CDMO supports clinical trials with DTP services by offering expertise in the compliant and efficient handling, packaging, and distribution of investigational products directly to patients' homes. This includes managing logistics, regulatory compliance, patient confidentiality, and support services. A CDMO with experience in DTP services can provide valuable insights into best practices, innovative solutions for patient engagement, and strategic planning to maximize the benefits of DTP models in clinical trials.